This series of five fictional case studies have been produced using the principles of evidence-informed practice. This means using a mixture of:
- The research evidence about the experience of domestic abuse and coercive control for that group
- Practitioner experience of similar cases
- The voice of people who use services, using quotes from the research.
The case studies are a learning tool. They aim to promote reflection on practice when working with people experiencing coercive control.
Each case study includes:
- The case details, summarising the situation and asking how you would make a safe enquiry
- A partly completed assessment, with space for you to add your own analysis and critically reflective conclusion
- An example of a completed assessment and safety plan, to prompt discussion and debate
- A completed DASH- RIC, and a blank one with guidance attached for you to fill out
- A set of topics related to the case study; these signpost to research and tools for practice which relate to the themes in the case study
- 3 practice tools, again drawing on the case study tools
- References and further reading.
You can pick and mix these with the other resources to create learning materials within your own organisation.