The collected tools from the case studies are also available below:
- Principles for reflection on religion and belief
- Reflection on our ways of knowing
- Building cultural capability
- Design a ‘learning together’ event
- Revenge porn –what you need to know
- The Triangle of Care: A guide to best practice in mental health care in England.
- The Brain Injury Needs Indicator
- Male victims of elder abuse – summary of needs as described by victims
- Checklist – developing safety plans with adults with care and support needs experiencing domestic abuse
- Social work capabilities in working with disabled women survivors
- The four planet model
- Family model for assessment
- Safe Lives guidance for MARACS, hidden victims: older people
- Reflection on attitudes towards older people and domestic abuse
- NIHR Domestic violence, adult social care and MARAC
Principles for reflection on religion and belief

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This tool sets out the principles that underpin good social work practice around religion and belief. You can use the questions below to reflect on your practice.
Reflection on Our Ways of Knowing

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This tool outlines a framework for developing cultural capability, seeing this as an essential and ongoing process of good social work practice. Drawing on Carballeira (1996), it explores what social workers and social care practitioners need to do to develop their cultural capability.
This tool supports reflection on professional knowledge. It outlines a number of reflective questions which can be used with a specific case in mind. These questions can help to clarify unconscious biases and work out what is influencing professional judgements.
Building Cultural Capability

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This tool outlines a framework for developing cultural capability, seeing this as an essential and ongoing process of good social work practice. Drawing on Carballeira (1996), it explores what social workers and social care practitioners need to do to develop their cultural capability
Design a ‘Learning Together’ event

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Watch the video in supervision, with peers, or in a team meeting:
*Don’t Put Up With It! Domestic Violence and women with disabilities (15:26 mins) Tizard. University of Kent
Discuss together how this video resource might be used as a learning tool…
Revenge Porn –what you need to know

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This leaflet has been produced by Revenge Porn Helpline and South West Grid for Learning. It is aimed at people who have experienced revenge porn, but is also useful for professionals.
It details
- What revenge porn is
- Where it might be
- The law around revenge porn
- Reporting revenge porn – to the police and to online platforms
- What other action can be taken?
- Further support.
The Triangle of Care: A guide to best practice in mental health care in England.

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This resource from Carer’s Trust aims to ensure that carers are recognised as partners in care. It describes the Triangle of Care as ‘a therapeutic alliance between service user, staff member and carer that promotes safety, supports recovery and sustains wellbeing’.
The essence of this guide is to clearly identify the six key elements (standards) required to achieve better collaboration and partnership with carers in the service user and carer’s journey through mental health services. For each element, good practice examples and resources that may be helpful are suggested.
Use the tool to consider how guidance such as this can be used in complex or reciprocal caring situations. How might the presence of coercive control or situational violence influence how you use the guidance?
The Brain Injury Needs Indicator

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This tool from the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust signposts to information about providing effective support to people with an acquired brain injury. The Brain Injury Needs Indicator (BINI) uses information from three sources to identify the level of risk an individual may have due to their brain injury. It can be used by social workers (or equivalent) and health professionals.
Male victims of elder abuse – Summary of needs as described by victims

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This tool is based on the findings of a study by Jacki Pritchard (2002) Male victims of elder abuse. Joseph Rowntree Foundation:
The study notes that very little research is available about older men as victims of domestic abuse. The researcher here interviewed 12 older people who had been victims of elder abuse; men also participated in focus groups which were run for over 300 older people. The research found that men could easily and explicitly state the needs they had, both recently and in the past. These are outlined in the table below.
You can use the table as a tool in case work with older men, to prompt a strengths-based way of working that also highlights the type of support that they might find useful.
Checklist – Developing safety plans with adults with care and support needs experiencing domestic abuse

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Professionals advising adults with care and support needs (referred to here as ‘adults’) and managing safety plans should follow the actions in the checklist.
Social Work Capabilities in Working with Disabled Women Survivors

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This tool is based on the recommendations drawn from disabled women’s suggestions for improvement in practice in Hague et al’s paper ‘Making the Links’ (2014: 26).
We have mapped the women’s seven suggestions to the domains of the Professional Capabilities Framework, and added our own suggestions on domains 6 and 9.
The Four Planet model

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Below is an illustration of Marianne Hester’s Three Planets model; with the addition of a fourth ‘planet’, Adult Social Care.
Consider all the different agencies who might be involved in a case like Maria’s.
What different perspectives and priorities do they bring?
You can use this tool when working with someone with care and support needs to discuss with them the agencies that can most usefully contribute.
Remember to use the principles of safe enquiry, and remember the limits of confidentiality and your responsibilities relating to child protection.
Family model for assessment

Download the family model for assessment as a PDF file (490KB)
You can use this tool to help you consider the whole family in an assessment or review.

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Safe Lives Guidance for MARACS, Hidden victims: older people
Historically, older people (60+) experiencing domestic abuse have formed part of a ‘hidden’ group.
There is a need to focus on their experiences and the barriers they face when being identified as victims (or perpetrators) and also in being provided with safe and appropriate services.
Reflection on attitudes towards older people and domestic abuse

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For this exercise, first of all read the podcast transcript or listen to the podcast
Spotlight Episode 3: Domestic abuse and older people: are attitudes changing? (Safe Lives, 2016)
The podcast features a discussion between Jane, an IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) based in a hospital and Mel, who is Adult Social Care’s representative on a local MARAC.
The tool highlights sections of the podcasts as a reference to start off discussion and debate about practice in your areas.
NIHR Domestic violence, adult social care and MARAC

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This tool summarises a study which was interested in identifying and assessing the effectiveness of social care’s contribution to the development of MARACs and the protection of adults facing domestic abuse, using the city of Manchester as a case study site.
The researchers attended MARACs, interviewed members of MARAC partner agencies and adult social care workers, undertook focus groups with survivors of domestic violence, and focus groups with specialist domestic abuse practitioners.